Chipping Away: Readers Respond
"Absolutely right! I have NEVER bought a Caramel Macchiato Frappucino, BUT, I am ashamed to say, I have bought for both my daughters---those hideously expensive fraps--- on numerous occasions. I griped about it every time too. I, myself, love Starbuck's iced teas and am very perturbed when they cannot make my favorite: blueberry white iced tea."
- Carolyn LaFavers, Legendary Financial Guru
"My coffee is something you may or may not have heard of: it's called F O L G E R S, ground, black, one splenda. Yum yum!" - Chi-Town CuppaJo
"I could go for a Java Chip Frappaccino Grande right now, wouldn't mind 'chipping away at the 401K' ... a good song title with the right genre of music ...I reluctantly gave up caffeine about a month ago ... I would get these raging headaches from lack of the C-Drug and could only calm them down by drinking a bottle of M-dew. This story is funny on many levels ... for me the funniest is that my family and I met a grandfather in church 2 Sunday's ago and his name ... "Socrates". He originally was from Columbia ... "Bendiciones" a quote from Socrates ... isn't it fun being a gringo!" - Bustin' a Gut in the Bayou
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