The REAL Story:
- You CAN'T be Serious!
The real "pitcher incident" occurred during Superbowl XLI: Bears vs. Colts. While I was munching on a bowl of Doritos, the pitcher made its initial rounds, and the pitcher-barer (who's identity I cannot reveal) actually fell asleep ... DURING the game! I held my tongue and did not to question his manhood. - Shawn: Fact or Fiction
Shawn Hammes is flesh and blood, the real deal. His big screen TV did actually break down. He, alone (perhaps), read the infamous "water book" and could NOT shut up about it. In addition to reading, Shawn cops to liking the movie "The Breakfast Club" (an undeniable chick flick), the Minnesota Vikings and long weekends. - This Week's Theme Song
If you need music to accompany your to-die-for hot wings,CLICK HERE. Note the chick magnet 60s duds and doos. - I'll Take Classic Lit for $600, Alex
When I bury my nose in a book, more often than not it is classic literature: Sherlock Holmes, Robin Hood, Tales of 'O Henry. Recently, I have immersed myself in one literary master's (who wrote ca. 1800 and who's character development is second to none) works ... who inspired the phrases "rapturous delight" and "suffered the offense with ..." Can you name that author? - Hot Thighs Recipe
My recipe ... admittedly not as good as Dave's (I don't know the secret sauce)
1 - fire up grill to 400 degrees
2 - skin thighs and place face down in a canola oil-greased cookie sheet
3 - put thighs face down on grill for 7 - 10 min., then flip for 20 minutes
4 - saturate thighs with hot wing sauce (any brand will do)
5 - cook for 5 minutes, then serve with celery sticks & ranch dressing
NOTE: serve with Corona beer, Fat Tire Amber Ale or Long Island Iced Tea - Hot Thigh Recipe 2
1 - slice meat off bone and drizzle with MORE hot wing sauce
2 - steam rice with cilantro in a rice cooker (2 cups water, 1 cup rice)
3 - dice green onions and celery
4 - mix 1 tablespoon of butter in with each bowl you serve
5 - top with celery, onions and thigh meat
YUM, YUM! Serve with Corona beer, Fat Tire Amber Ale or Long Island Iced Tea - Hot Thigh Recipe 3
1 - put equal portions of cilantro rice, hot thigh meat and black beans in a burrito-sized tortilla.
2 - add diced green onions, celery and cheese (of your choice)
3 - drizzle with green salsa and lime juice
4 - serve with Corona beer, Fat Tire Amber Ale or Long Island Iced Tea - Join the Hippest Club Around
If you'd like the weekly column emailed to you, just give me a heads up at the email address below. Also ... check me out on Facebook by querying "Rob Taylor columnist"; I'm the dude with the killer mullet. Free mugs and t-shirts for all fan members when I get rich! - Desperately Seeking ...
LOL, ROF, PMP funny holiday stories. What's yours?
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