My last post stated: "When I bury my nose in a book, more often than not it is classic literature: Sherlock Holmes, Robin Hood, Tales of 'O Henry. Recently, I have immersed myself in one literary master's (who wrote ca. 1800 and who's character development is second to none) works ... who inspired the phrases "rapturous delight" and "suffered the offense with ..." Can you name that author?
Jon in Jacksonville, who rubs his wife's back during Jacksonville Jaguar games until she falls asleep AND, just to lay it on thick, tidies up around the house ... replied: “rapturous delight” and “suffered the offense with …” Jane Austen??
I answered: Bingo. Easy one, huh?
Jon: I was a rock in English lit ... Meaning I didn't do very well ... I watched some of the Jane Austen novels on PBS with my wife.
My reply: Only his love for his wife surpassed his fascination with all things masculine. She was ever in his heart - filling it equally with rememberances as with new engagements ... and nothing, save for his tidiness on the domestic scene, demonstrated his passion for her more than giving her back rubs while the Jags played out their weekly drama for 3 hours on Sunday afternoons.
Jon: I have to shut my office door because I'm laughing too hard. People are starting to stare.
Thus ended the manly Jane Austen banter ...
Too much! ... Now I know what to do to get my wife to watch football with me.
"My reply: Only his love for his wife surpassed his fascination with all things masculine. She was ever in his heart - filling it equally with rememberances as with new engagements ... and nothing, save for his tidiness on the domestic scene, demonstrated his passion for her more than giving her back rubs while the Jags played out their weekly drama for 3 hours on Sunday afternoons."
Somehow my mind read the above in the voice of the late Don LaFontaine (you know, from movie trailers and the Geico commercial "In a world, where both of our cars were totally under water".) Oh so funny! :-) FazeHer
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