Every day for half a lifetime, in black and white Monday through Saturday and in living color on Sundays, the magic of Charles Schultz landed on our front door steps, was savored between bites of cereal, and ultimately took up residence in our hearts ...
FULL STORY (10/14/08)
The REAL Story:
- The Dao of Peanuts
Shultz's masterpiece was, perhaps, heavier on philosophy than slapstick humor ... Charlie Brown soliciting Lucy for psychiatric help, brick wall conversations with Linus, and, of course, happiness being defined as "a warm puppy." Peanuts brought out the child in all of us - that innocent, beautiful ankle-biter that still hopes, still dreams, tries to make sense of an impossible world and never gives up. - Regarding Theater ... Nothing Personal
I'm more of a movie guy. I would, however, if given the opportunity, go see "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" again and again, and find myself making frequent references to Charles Schultz. I suspect that I might also enjoy two plays that I have never seen: "The Lion King" and "Cats." - Dear Abby Delusions
Yes, I admit it. I would LOVE Abby's job. One hiccup that I forsee: my advice would definitely be laced with a lethal dose of sarcasm and wit. Not holding my breath on being offered the gig .... if only. *Sigh* - A Little Music With That Column?
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