the story behind the story:
- PHOTO (Above)
Me at age 22 in Taiwan with 2 English students at a Japanese restaurant. In my humble opinion, Japanese food should come with a warning ... it goes right through me - On Mullets
I blame mine on tennis player Andre Agassi (when he had hair) AND my good friend Tyler Bacon, who has very strong hair opinions. As for me ... nothing gets in the way of my hair appointment - Don't Mess With North Dakota
OK, so it doesn't have the same ring as Texas, but NoDaks take offense to outsiders ridiculing them. Don't believe me? Check this out: National Geographic writer eating crow in Bismarck ... for calling the prairie "empty" - I once tried to help a friend (Mary) get rid of her ND accent. We practiced saying "Minnesota" about 20 times. Her problem: she hit the "SO" extremely hard. She was a good sport, an eager student, but I ended up ROFL anyway
Mount Baldy (PHOTO: left)
The crown jewel of Grand Lake, CO - a vacationer's paradise. No trees on this mountain. Local legend that states that in the summer/fall, when the last snow on Mount Baldy melts, it will snow again in a couple of weeks (i.e. winter is on the way).
Email me: ifguyscouldtalk@hotmail.com
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