Friday, August 8, 2008

Now why didn't I think of that?

As a writer, I have been advised to use quotes sparingly. "Don't tell us what someone else said. If you don't have anything original to say yourself, then don't say anything at all." This is sort of like Thumper (from Bambi) advice. Still, I find wit irresistable. Below are some of my favorite quotes.

"If at first you don't succeed, don't try skydiving."
- t-shirt in Winter Park, CO

"Too bad that all the people who know how to run the country are busy driving taxicabs and cutting hair."
- George Burns

"Culture is what your butcher would have if he were a surgeon."
-Mary Pettibone Poole

"The best substitue for experience is being 16."
-Raymond Duncan

"Be yourself is the worst advice you can give some people."
-Tom Masson

Classic, one and all; however, my favorite quote this week belongs to Wendy (Bailey) Crocker ... see below.

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