Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Manly Man's Diet: Readers Respond

"We should really see if this diet works on a menopausal body has gotten so used to sitting that my feet, back, shoulders and neck get sore just a short stroll over to the kitchen...I spend enormous amounts of time think of the benefits of exercise, eating well and oh, I really should stop son says things like..."remember when you were skinny?" Do I!!!" - Queen Carla (Minnesota)

"I'm going to Starbucks tomorrow: White Chocolate Mocha venti.. all the fat and whip you can cram into the cup please. And before I take that first sip I will toast your "Man Diet"...laugh my best evil laugh...and sip away. Nummmmy! If you want to go on a real manly man's diet try this on for size. Get pregnant...find out you have terrible morning sickness...vomit at any food (Dinty Moore was the worst and when I say food, I include dog food in the comment too) commercials for 3 months. With that plan, you can lose a whopping 40 pounds even after you give birth to a 7 pound kid! - Wicked Wendy Bailey

"I'm not willing to get sick for a new diet ... However, I can try the sleep deprivation. I'll get back to you in a few weeks."
- Jon in Jacksonville

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